There is so much applaud around the telco’s transformation from CSP to DSP – and the focus is always on C and D – communication and digital. Larger question though is – why is S not being considered. It’s like the first bencher in the class that gets attention assuming if s/he is made to understand a lesson, rest will absorb with same velocity and intensity – but that’s hardly the case, unless you are talking about a class of Harvard or Stanford, but there the letters don’t matter anyways !
Talking about the importance of the word S, it’s becoming more and more critical – as S needs to ensure service, S needs to be simple, S needs to be scalable, S needs to be sustainable and most importantly S needs to Standout !
The value of S is the strongest when it’s simple, it’s the Slackest when it’s Service … you can’t only focus on connectivity service or just beyond connectivity service and be happy with DSP tag, as that attracts a lot of conservativeness and gives you only a limited playing field as a DSP !
One thing though that’s extremely implicit with growing consumer ecosystem is that – S needs to be simple, scalable and sustainable for any intersection of network, technology, cloud and application developers.
Let’s consider consumer ecosystems as – B2C, B2B and B2B2X – again there are multiple use cases possible against each of them as the network, technology and cloud intersects for enabling Services.

Consider Enterprise 1 to be “ANY CALLING Applications” – could be WhatsApp, Zoom, Teams, Meta, BlueJeans or any …
DSP can surely play a role for these said calling applications in making them simpler, serviceable, scalable and sustainable (before OTT kind of trend happens again and S is swallowed by any other industry giants) !
The “5G Currency” that we referred in earlier article, with which the real value can be capitalized by the said calling applications, to be enabled by the top purple box – application developer community
While the application developer community enables the value – the currency that will be leveraged for enablement will be “quality of service”
Imagine you as a consumer – B2C or B2B2C – wants to dial in a phone or join a meeting, which needs you to be fully present – in speaking and hearing mode – and you cannot afford a single second of drop.
The only way this can be made possible is, one of the said applications can commit you this minimum experience of service – which is one of the currencies inside the DSP – the bottom most blue box !
This is exactly where the brown boxes of – horizontal platform and / or aggregator platform can be the one who can help realize this value of currency for a consumer like us, by enabling us to select the minimum quality of experience (say for example 100 mbps) for that call duration.
This is the simplest of the thing that S in DSP can and should focus on enabling – which in turn will create a scalable and sustainable revenue stream for them as well in XaaS model.
Coming to Enterprise 2, consider that to be an automotive company – likes of BMW, Ford, Skoda, Honda or any – where they have mega factories to assemble parts, do quality checks, test car battery and life durability, track engine for machine learnings based preventive measures and so on …
DSP can again play a role in this enablement – through PNI NPN kind of model, or through simple Private 5G networks or even through specific instance allocation from organic Public Networks.
The said “5G currency” – this time for example – latitude and longitude of the car, along with height and velocity – these parameters are beyond GPS and needs manual triangulation for realization of outcomes, that’s where a single 5G currency (for example LMF or LCM) can create the capitalization.
The said automotive company can trigger location specific policies and rules basis health of engine, battery levels and other machine learning enabled parameters – as the car enters the point of interest.
This is only possible once the DSP and Automotive company intersects on the on-prem or edge cloud or generic hyperscaler, through simple scalable and sustainable access of the said horizontal and / or aggregator platform.
Imagine you have multiple such automotive organizations, looking for a unified platform, aka marketplace, where they can have parameter (or currency) based transactions – viz location, quality of experience, traffic influence, data transfer policy, and so on … then you need a aggregator platform to host this view for the consumers – viz application developers, device ecosystems, enterprises, vertical industries, etc … else there will be multiple horizontal platforms for each industry and the democratic absorption and adaption for D in DSP will get lost … stay tuned for next one Mr D !!