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Why Edge Cloud Delivery Networks are an Essential Cog in the High Data Consumption Wheel

There’s no doubting it-companies are increasingly shifting their deployments to the cloud, leaving the option of “on premise” behind. And why not? This is, after all, a challenging time for…
Manish Jain
18th May 2020

We Wish You a Safe Time

We all are battling with these unexpected turn of events due to COVID-19. None of us were ready to face such uncertainty and to really combat the situation we need…
Managed Services for the Cloud Computing- ComvivaMessaging Solutions

Evolution of Messaging in Telecom

Since the advent of telecommunication, SMS messaging has played an important role in communication. The usage of SMS messaging service has evolved over a period of time. Starting from personal…
Santosh Nayak
25th March 2020

AI & Machine Learning thwarts threat to enterprise messaging ecosystems

Deshbandhu Bansal, chief operating officer, Messaging Solutions at Comviva Technologies looks at the importance of controlling messaging Enterprise loves messaging; it allows them to engage their customers in the most…
Deshbandhu Bansal
6th March 2020
actionable insights - ComvivaGuest Blogs

The Digital Enterprise: Outperforming Your Competition

With the digital world of data becoming the focal point of discussions and innovation, there is unparalleled hype over what it takes to be a digital enterprise in this day…
Ronald Van Loon
3rd March 2020
IT managed services - ComvivaGeneral

Digital transformation in the BSS space

For today’s operators, the buck doesn’t stop at merely ensuring profitability and retaining customers. The advent of over-the-top players, rapidly shrinking average revenues per user, et all, have changed long-standing…
Tanveer Mahmood
14th January 2020

AI Cannot be Merely Deployed. There are Larger Implications

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is certainly a popular buzzword in the industry today and according to surveys by TM Forum, many have now “deployed” AI and are looking to scale. But…
Greg Armstrong
28th November 2019
Guest Blogs

Why Data Monetization is a “Must Have” for Operators Today

A growing number of operators and organizations in today’s world are tilted towards the use of data-driven strategies. Data is the key to success for organizations today and operators have…
Ronald Van Loon
28th November 2019
Mobile Financial Solutions

Digitizing the Future of Development

Fortuitous circumstances led me to visit the United Nations during the General Assembly week not too long ago. I was amongst the privileged few to participate as a panelist at…
Srinivas Nidugondi
26th November 2019
Managed Services - ComvivaGeneral

Micro-service Architecture

Approach of solution designing and architecting has undergone an evolution with the concept of micro services. Monolithic architecture is still of use for certain types of applications but the need…
23rd November 2019

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