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NFV impact - ComvivaGeneralMobile Financial Solutions

Bridging the Financial Gender Gap through Mobile Money

According to the World Bank's Global Findex database, 62 percent of adults (age 15+) across the world have access to formal financial structure i.e. having account with banks, microfinance institutions…
Ritvik Sinha
8th March 2018
wiring of CEM - ComvivaGeneral

Private Recharge: Empowering women and ensuring their security

Access to mobile phones has benefited women in multiple ways from enabling them to remain connected with their family to helping them to access information available through internet. However, mobile…
Mohit Bhargava
8th March 2018
journey of APJ - ComvivaGuest Blogs

The BlockChain: Why does it matter? Part 2

In my thirty plus years in IT ‘a single version of the truth’ has always been, across all sectors, one of the “holy grails” of systems and data. This is…
Daniel Steeves
6th March 2018
Messaging Solutions

How the Mobile Messaging Application Landscape is Shaping Up

With the proliferation of smartphones across the globe, it comes as no surprise that messaging apps are the heart of the rapidly evolving digital economy. Messaging apps have connected and…
27th February 2018
Mobile Data Platform

The Impact of 5G on Data

No matter how fast networks are evolving, they seem to fall short of keeping up with either the content that can be delivered through them or the hardware that runs…
26th February 2018
Customer Value Management

Big Data, Big Personalization Opportunity

In this world of continuously disruptive competition, ever-increasing customer expectations and shrinking margins, only unique customer experience and delight can sustain telecom operators. Customer satisfaction is no longer the key…
23rd February 2018
Managed Services for the Cloud Computing- ComvivaGeneral

GDPR and its Implications on Our Products

We have often seen how businesses get impacted through revolutionary elements in technology, economic, regulatory and political environments. GDPR is one such “element” of EU regulation that is bound to…
Mahesh Ghatage
23rd February 2018

What to Expect in Digital Payments in 2018

The silly season is upon us, once again. It is, essentially, that time when one looks back and reviews the successes and failures of the previous year. It is also…
Srinivas Nidugondi
23rd February 2018
mobile money important - ComvivaGeneral

Agile adoption – Change of Organizational mindset

In the current state of fast changing market, where the customer expectation and business requirements are changing like never before, revenue pressures are building on day by day, business environment…
Manish Jain
12th February 2018

Wither, Big Data?

Has big data had its moment in the sun? Interestingly, a few years ago, (that is, when the concept was making headlines) this query would have elicited a resounding NO.…
Amit Sanyal
24th January 2018

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