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How to Analyse the Churn Rate and Its Effect on Business

Customer expectation is the main thing driving all types of industry today. Thanks to the digital world, information is now available on real time basis. One service failure in one…
27th March 2017

Why Call Management Services Should be Part of Every Business Telephone System

Components There are several features which make call management systems an indispensable part of any business. They are: Auto Attendant: This is the most indispensable part of a business call…
21st March 2017
Digital Transformation - ComvivaReferences

Growth of Mobile Money in India

Mobile Payment is the saviour, which helped millions of citizens of India in the face of demonetization. When citizens found themselves stranded with old currencies and ATMs ran out of…
17th March 2017
Application-to-Person - ComvivaConsumer Value Solutions

Active Customer Engagement – The Key to Mobile Money

Undoubtedly, mobile money has gained global recognition as a powerful driver of financial inclusion. According to a new study, the total transaction value of mobile financial services in emerging markets…
Vishal Garg
9th March 2017

Managing Next Generation Telecom Networks with OSS/BSS

The global telecommunications network is constantly evolving. Competition is fierce, which requires constant system upgrades and product innovation. In this context, OSS/BSS simplifies and streamlines operations, thereby adding to toplines.…
6th March 2017

Deploying Big Data in the Telecom Sector

Telecom operators generate a significant amount of data daily. This data, if properly utilized, can provide great insights into useful information crucial for running a business successfully and profitably. This…
3rd March 2017
Customer Experience Management

Customer Experience Management and Mobile Money: A Perfect Storm

To incessantly state that mobile money has caught (and held) the imagination of the global payments space is unnecessary. Let’s just jump right in-GSMA’s 2015 State of the Industry Report:…
23rd February 2017
What is NFV - ComvivaReferences

What is NFV and Why is it Significant to the Networking Industry?

The telecom industry is growing fast and so is technology. According to a prediction by the Telecommunications Industry Association, the wireless telecommunications network will grow to $323 billion between 2014…
16th February 2017

What is an SMS Grey route in Telecom?

The SMS Grey route is a term gaining popularity in the telecom world. But what is it? Well, the word grey is the key. Grey route SMS refers to an…
13th February 2017
Broadband Traffic Management - ComvivaReferences

Omni-Channel vs Multi-Channel Customer Experience

The only thing in today’s digital environment which changes quicker than technology, are the consumer expectations.  Nowadays, the customer service industry is captured by two trending terms- “omnichannel customer service”…
10th February 2017

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