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Consumer Value Solutions

Examining the “Other Side” of Big Data

There’s no doubt about it-telecom is a numbers game, where data is the king. Take note, though, data doesn’t merely refer to information pertaining to subscribers, average revenue per user,…
Amit Sanyal
16th November 2016
App Economy - ComvivaReferences

The Contribution of Carrier Billing towards the App Economy

Direct carrier billing (DCB) or operator billing allows billings to take place directly on the customer’s mobile phone bill. It has allowed telecom operators to leverage their existing relationships with…
16th November 2016
Digital Lifestyle Solutions

The Digital Content Juggernaut in Africa

Africa has, for all intents and purposes, emerged as a poster-boy of the global economic market. It has silenced its critics in several fields, including (but not restricted to) banking,…
Atul Madan
15th November 2016
Carrier Billing Market - ComvivaReferences

What is Fuelling the Carrier Billing Market

Over the past few years, direct carrier billing (DCB) has witnessed significant traction. Initially, the concept was introduced to make purchasing ringtones and wallpapers more convenient. Today, it has gained…
15th November 2016
Managed Services for the Cloud Computing- ComvivaReferences

The Benefits of Direct Carrier Billing

Direct carrier billing is rapidly replacing credit cards and other payments options. Competing with other payment methods in mature markets, direct billing has efficiently led to the up-gradation of payment…
10th November 2016
Information Technology

Think “Out-Of-The-Box” for Best Results!

The world is changing and how! Today, companies are waking up to the fact that a hard relook is required at their long-and-short term strategy. This is simply because in…
Manish Jain
20th October 2016
Content Delivery Platform - ComvivaReferences

The Role of a Content Delivery Platform in an Operator’s Business

Content delivery platforms (CDP) streamline and reinforce all of a publisher’s content in a single place. This enables operators to offer an array of content-based services such as music, voice,…
12th October 2016
Network Function Virtualization (NFV)- ComvivaGeneral

Pokémon “Gone”?

Wham-O Inc. invented the Hula Hoop in 1957 and within a year, it became a colossal craze. No kid could be seen without the deceptively simple hoop that was lightweight…
Rajat Dayal
28th September 2016
NFV impact - ComvivaReferences

What is the impact of NFV on an Operators Business

Since 2015, progressive telecom operators started shifting from merely planning and testing virtualized networks for managing network services to implementing them on a large scale. A number of challenges remained, however-ranging from…
27th September 2016
EMV Compliance - ComvivaReferences

The Role of UPIs in Mobile Payment

The newly launched Unified Payments Interface (UPI) is anticipated to make mobile payments much easier. But still there’s a lingering question: What changes will UPI bring to the mobile payments?…
26th September 2016

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