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Business Solutions

Global Trends in Telecom OSS/BSS

Today, operators are faced with a plethora of challenges-namely-thinning margins, plunging ARPUs and cannibalization of revenues by the emergence of OTT service providers. To counter this, telecom operators must not…
9th March 2016
Business Solutions

How to fool-proof your company’s OSS/BSS transformation

OSS/BSS transformation in telecom is a shift from a product centric to a customer centric model with the aim to improve customer experience and hence increase loyalty. Bringing change in…
7th March 2016
Customer Experience Management

Telecom CXM enabled by Big Data Analytics

The rapid proliferation of smartphones has brought with it many changes like the increase in data consumption, migration to 3G/4G, emergence of OTT providers besides increasing customer’s expectation from the…
3rd March 2016
Mobile Financial Solutions

Mobile Money Services : Putting micro savings back into focus

One of the fascinating trends to emerge in the last few years has been the role of mobile money services in mobilizing micro savings from the unbanked and underbanked segments…
1st March 2016
Customer Value Management

Proactively Connecting With Connected Customers and Addressing Telecom Churn

In the highly competitive telecom markets of today, characterized by multiple operators and free flow of product related information, operators must wake up to the reality of telecom churn and…
29th February 2016
BLE Hyper Local Commerce - ComvivaReferences

How BLE is making Hyper Local Commerce possible

Within the present scenario of mobile-centric universal commerce, the merchants are increasingly making efforts to drive their global presence on multiple channels alongside delivering greater service and capability exposure to…
26th February 2016
Mobile Financial Solutions

HCE Payments – The Future of Contactless Payments

After years of hype surrounding NFC Mobile Payments, the contactless payments segment is finally witnessing some traction thanks mainly to cloud based technologies like HCE Payments that are enabling seamless…
25th February 2016
mobile application monetization - ComvivaInternet & Broadband Solutions

Monetizing a Mobile Application: May the Best Application Win!

The first blog of this series dealt with why jumping onto the mobile application development bandwagon was a good idea. To ensure that an overly rosy picture wasn’t painted, the…
Srinivas Nidugondi
24th February 2016
Mobile Financial Solutions

Mobile Payments driving shift to Customer Experience

Mobile payment is going through a fundamental shift driven by the evolution in social, mobile, cloud and communications. These changes are only going to intensify in the future forcing fundamental…
22nd February 2016
Business SolutionsMarketing

Creating the Business of Tomorrows…Today!

How does a brand make its voice heard? Is it the promise of quality, value for money or convenience? Or is it simply promises of better services coupled with a…
19th February 2016

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