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What is OTT billing?

An OTT module enables processing, authorization and billing for on-demand transactional content in real-time. It is sometimes also referred to as VOD (video-on-demand) and is in great demand these days…
11th September 2015

Carrier Billing: The M-commerce revolution

The m-commerce space is revolutionized these days. Placing the bills of purchases made digitally on your mobile bill is gradually becoming a hotly contested space. The market is flooded with mobile…
9th September 2015
BYOD and security - ComvivaDigital Lifestyle Solutions

Trends in the global content space Atul Madan, Senior Vice-President, Digital Services, Mahindra Comviva's views on how the global content space is evolving and what strategies companies should adopt. Trends observed over the past year…
Atul Madan
8th September 2015

What are broadband solutions?

The term mobility is being redefined by customers every day. Smarter access devices have made the requirement of efficient data traffic management even stronger. Mobile service providers are enforced to…
4th September 2015

What is mobile music?

Mobile music can be defined as music downloaded or streamed to mobile phones for being played back by the device. Although most of the music played on phones are ringtones,…
4th September 2015

What is Mobile Self-Care?

For telecom users, interacting with customer care through service representatives can be inefficient and expensive. With consumer behavior undergoing significant changes and significant growth of social media channels, customers can…
3rd September 2015
security concerns - ComvivaReferences

What is CDR Billing?

What is CDR CDR refers to the call detail record provided by a telecom service provider. It is data containing information about system usage, documenting the details of calls or…
2nd September 2015

What is an SMS Hub?

The SMS hub is a new structure for the flow of international SMSs between telecom operators, who intend to reshape the way international mobile interoperability works to intermediate SMS traffic…
2nd September 2015
Consumer Value Solutions

Making Loyalty or Rewards Programs Work

Loyalty or rewards programs have become an essential part of any direct to consumer business. Loyalty programs are specifically designed to reward customers for past purchases or incentivise them for…
Pawan S. Kulkarni
1st September 2015
Carrier Billing Market - ComvivaReferences

What is Mobile money interoperability?

In broad terms, interoperability is the interconnection of mobile money services with external parties, with the aim to create value for both customers and commercial players. Viewed as a “silver…
1st September 2015

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