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Mobile Financial Solutions

The Rise of Agency Banking in Kenya

According to the Central Bank of Kenya’s guidelines on agent banking, a Bank “Agent” means an entity that has been contracted by an institution and approved by the Central Bank…
Mwema Kerich
2nd July 2015
mobile money important - ComvivaReferences

Why is mobile money important for the unbanked?

Mobile money, a term used to refer to payments made for a wide range of products or services through a mobile device is revolutionizing financial access, especially for the unbanked.…
30th June 2015
EMV Compliance - ComvivaReferences

What is Mobile POS?

A Mobile point of sale (mPOS) is a smartphone, tablet or a wireless device which performs the same functions as that of an electronic point of sale terminal . With…
29th June 2015
Digital Lifestyle Solutions

Tuning into Africa

Africa’s music industry seems to be hitting all the right notes. A few years ago, this space was considered a minor “blip” on the international music industry’s radar. Today, things…
Atul Madan
24th June 2015
Application-to-Person - ComvivaInternet & Broadband Solutions

A2P: Aiming 2 Profit

The telecom industry is, by and large, fiercely divided on whether Over-the-Top (OTT) players have sounded the death knell for SMS or not. One faction of experts has already written…
Srinivas Nidugondi
19th June 2015
Mobile Banking - ComvivaReferences

Mobile Banking: not just a niche service-a norm!

With lifestyles becoming busier today, the benefits of banking-on-the- go cannot be overemphasized. This is why mobile banking is fast emerging as a favorite with consumers and in turn is…
19th June 2015
Mobile Wallets - ComvivaReferences

Mobile Wallets: ensuring a seamless purchase journey

With customers looking for integrated and seamless purchase journeys, irrespective of the mode, the lines between different forms of commerce namely in store purchase, e-commerce and mobile commerce are fast…
19th June 2015
Customer Experience Management

Customer Experience Management-the Latin American way!

Managing customer experience in Latin America is an interesting proposition-and not merely because each country differs vastly from the other in terms of culture and the law. As a side…
Amit Sanyal
8th June 2015
Mobile Financial Solutions

Financial Inclusion-No Longer an Exception!

The world is getting smaller and financial inclusion is steadily becoming a rule, not an exception. Sample this-according to The little Data Book on Financial Inclusion 2015 (TDB)released by the…
Steve Summers
2nd June 2015
Financial Inclusion in India - ComvivaMobile Financial Solutions

Cash is still the king. Well, in India at least

According to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), as of February 2015, India had over 20.86 million credit cards and 538.03 million debit cards-in other words, quite a bit of…
Srinivas Nidugondi
21st May 2015

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