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Close and Personal with CustomersMarket Research

Getting Up, Close and Personal with Customers

Today customers are more aware, deriving leverage from exposure to a wide range of services, knowledge of product substitutes, and use of social media to share praise or blame for…
Shikha Bhatia
28th October 2014
Customer Experience Management

A demanding customer represents an opportunity

Amit Sanyal, Assistant Vice President & Joint Head, Consumer Value Solutions business, Mahindra Comviva shares his views on why Customer Experience Management is becoming increasingly relevant today. Excerpts… 1. Why,…
Amit Sanyal
27th October 2014
Mobile Financial Solutions

Interoperability and the mobile device

Being a relatively nascent industry hasn’t stopped the mobile money space from making headlines. And why shouldn’t it? The technology being used is advancing daily, as are the number of…
Srinivas Nidugondi
23rd September 2014
Mobile Financial Solutions

A storm is brewing in the mobile payments space

Has the concept of mobile-based payments had its moment in the sun? It isn’t the latest kid on the technology block or (arguably) the most impressive. Its potential in making…
Srinivas Nidugondi
18th September 2014
mobile application threats - ComvivaCustomer Experience Management

CXM and the Modern Customer

Know your audience……the customer knows more than you! This is the first trick of the trade taught as a part of Marketing 101. Nothing much has changed over the years,…
Amit Sanyal
3rd September 2014
Internet & Broadband SolutionsMobile Data Platform

Content is King; Commerce is the Queen and Context is God

The Age of Context is upon us. Sample this— today, technologies are beginning to “understand” things about the user and their environment-like their schedule, their heart rate and their location.…
Zunder Lekshmanan
19th August 2014
Mobile Financial Solutions

Digital Wallets – Transforming the retail experience

The way we use money has undergone a sea-change. After several false starts, financial services and mobile connectivity have forged a mutually beneficial relationship. According to industry estimates, the volume…
Srinivas Nidugondi
28th July 2014
solution partner - ComvivaMobile Data Platform

Choosing the Right Solution Partner

The key to monetizing mobile internet using policy management is partnering with the right solution partner who can provide robust and scalable policy management solutions to monetize mobile internet traffic…
Digbijaya Mahapatra
7th December 2012
Mobile Data Platform

Time to offload, to Wi-Fi

Two recent incidents brought home how deeply Wi-Fi is establishing itself as the preferred network for mobile phones. On vacation recently in South Asia, I was at a café and…
Team Experts
28th November 2012
Internet & Broadband Solutions

Monetizing the Mobile Internet – Partnering with the Right Solution Provider

In the mobile Internet arena, reports from all of world’s leading telecom analysts point to one thing: the imminent data deluge. The combination of increasing smartphone penetration, evolution in data…
Digbijaya Mahapatra
20th November 2012

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