MobiLytix Interactive

End of Support Notification

At Comviva, we have always focused on delivering greater value to our customers through innovation and excellence. It is precisely this focus that has led us to continuously enhance our products and bring you the new improved product versions at regular intervals. While we introduce efficient and functionally-richer new product versions, at the same time we phase out the older product versions to ensure that you deliver the best service to your customers.

Product Name:MobiLytix Interactive End of Call Notification
SL#Version no.Market-Ready Release dateEOSS
(End of Standard Support) date
(End of Extended Support) date
13.1130th June, 202130th September, 2021
23.1231st October, 202531st October, 2026

We are committed to delivering a seamless migration and world-class support to all our clients. Therefore, we frequently engage with our clients to develop a plan for migration to the latest version and end of support for the older version.

Please contact your local sales representative if you require any future information on our End of Support policy.

Click here to read the Product (Version) Support Lifecycle Policy.

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